The DAG of Julia packages

1 minute read

If your package is listed below, please consider fixing it:


This interactive visualization made with D3 shows the Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) of all registered Julia packages up until 27-June-2017.

The size of a node represents its influence (i.e. out degree) in the DAG. The color represents the required Julia version.

Hover the mouse over the elements to get more information.


The data was extracted from METADATA with the following script:

UPDATE: An updated version of the script can be found in the JuliaGraphsTutorials repository in the form of a Jupyter notebook. Additional information about the Julia package system is extracted therein with the GitHub.jl package.

using JSON
using LightGraphs
using ProgressMeter

# find all packages in METADATA
pkgs = readdir(Pkg.dir("METADATA"))
filterfunc = p -> isdir(joinpath(Pkg.dir("METADATA"), p)) && p  [".git",".test"]
pkgs = filter(filterfunc, pkgs)

# assign each package an id
pkgdict = Dict{String,Int}()
for (i,pkg) in enumerate(pkgs)
  push!(pkgdict, pkg => i)

# build DAG
G = DiGraph(length(pkgs))
@showprogress 1 "Building graph..." for pkg in pkgs
  children = Pkg.dependents(pkg)
  for c in children
    add_edge!(G, pkgdict[pkg], pkgdict[c])

# find required Julia version
juliaversions = String[]
for pkg in pkgs
  versiondir = joinpath(Pkg.dir("METADATA"), pkg, "versions")
  if isdir(versiondir)
    latestversion = readdir(versiondir)[end]
    reqfile = joinpath(versiondir, latestversion, "requires")
    juliaversion = string(get(Pkg.Reqs.parse(reqfile), "julia", "NA"))
    push!(juliaversions, juliaversion)
    push!(juliaversions, "BOGUS")

# construct JSON
nodes = [Dict("id"=>pkgs[v],
              "juliaversion"=>juliaversions[v]) for v in vertices(G)]
links = [Dict("source"=>pkgs[u], "target"=>pkgs[v]) for (u,v) in edges(G)]
data = Dict("nodes"=>nodes, "links"=>links)

# write to file
open("DAG-Julia-Pkgs.json", "w") do f
  JSON.print(f, data, 2)

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